The Structure of a Facebook Fan Page

 Now some of you may be asking: why would anyone want to use a Facebook Page as an advertising tool for their brand when a normal profile is used to connect with people?

The main problem with this type of thinking is the fact that Facebook profiles have a contact limit of about 4,500. Once you reach that limit, you can't accept any new friend request. Another problem is that your profile page is a personal page; you don't want to make the mistake of inter-mixing your personal life with your public life on Facebook or any other social network.

Third, and most importantly, you can't add third-party applications to a normal Facebook profile. You need the-third party applications and plug-ins to really make your Facebook Page shine!

While having a Facebook Page is good; having an interactive, attractive and interesting Facebook Page is much better. We strive for a level of excellence when we open up doors of opportunity in Internet marketing; the same holds true for Facebook marketing.

Now we will take a look at the various components of a Facebook page:

1. Wall: Facebook profiles and fan pages both have walls. The wall acts as the center of activity hub for the Facebook page. You and your fans are able to upload material to the Facebook wall. If you have any questions concerning where and how to use buy facebook reviews, you can make contact with us at our site.

You and your fans, those who have hit the "Like" button on your page, can post text, pictures and videos on your wall. If something gets posted to your wall, the posted item will also show in your news feed.

2. News Feed: An endless roll of information that is generated by activity on the Facebook page best describes the news feed. Any new activity on wall will instantly be posted on your news feed.

3. Status Updates: People with regular Facebook profiles aren't the only ones that should make regular status updates. You can easily post status updates as the administrator of your very own Facebook Page. Your updates will automatically be seen in the news feeds of the fans of your page as soon as they open their profiles.
